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 Title Four Seasons Resort Langkawi Chinese

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Jalan Tanjung Rhu, Langkawi, 07000 Tanjung Rhu, Malaysia
Best deals recently:
USD  1758    Booking     
Boasting a mile-long private beach and multi-tiered outdoor pools, Four Seasons Resort Langkawi is surrounded by landscaped gardens and lush forests. This beachfront property offers spacious villas and pavilions with free WiFi throughout. It also houses 3 dining restaurants, a bar and a spa.
Inspired by Malay and Moorish architecture, every unit is well-appointed wooden furnishings and high ceilings. A flat-screen TV and an espresso machine are provided. The private bathroom includes organic toiletries and yukata robes. Certain units feature an outdoor shower while some are fitted with a hammam-style bath. Guests enjoy garden or sea view.
Overlooking the Andaman Sea, Ikan Ikan serves Malaysian and Asian cuisines, while Mediterranean dishes are offered at Serai. You can have wood-fired pizzas and fresh seafood at Kelapa Grill. Evening cocktails can be enjoyed at Rhu Bar, which has extensive beer and wine options. Room service and private dining experiences are available.
Pamper yourself with relaxing treatments at Geo Spa or join a daily yoga class. Children can enjoy various indoor and outdoor activities at the Kids' Club, while adults can enjoy a quiet time at the 55-yard seaside adult pool. Multilingual staff at the reception are ready to assist you with any inquiries any time of the day.
Langkawi Wildlife Park is 6.8 mi from Four Seasons Resort Langkawi and Gunung Raya Mountain is 14 mi from the property. Langkawi International Airport is 11 mi away.
Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 9.3 for a two-person trip.
Most popular facilities

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Facilities of Tis Hotel


衛生紙, 毛巾, 沖洗座, 額外收費的毛巾/床單, 浴缸或淋浴, 拖鞋, 私人衛浴, 廁所, 免費盥洗用品, 浴袍, 吹風機, 浴缸, 淋浴間


衣櫃或衣櫥, 鬧鐘, 更衣室




野餐區, 室外傢俱, 海濱, 戶外用餐區, 陽光露台, 私人海灘區, 燒烤設施, 另外收費, 戶外休息區, 露台, 花園


咖啡機, 電熱水壺


床邊插座, 吊衣架


自行車租賃, 射箭, 另外收費, 烹飪課程, 另外收費, 當地文化導覽/課程, 另外收費, 歡樂時光, 另外收費, 主題晚餐, 另外收費, 單車遊覽團, 另外收費, 步行導覽, 海灘, 網球運動用品, 兒童俱樂部, 水上運動設施(館內), 另外收費, 潛水, 館外, 另外收費, 自行車, 健行, 另外收費, 獨木舟, 風帆, 乒乓球, 撞球, 兒童遊戲區, 休閒娛樂室, 釣魚, 另外收費, 高爾夫球場(3 公里內), 另外收費, 網球場


休息區, 書桌


平面電視, 有線頻道, 電話, 電視


咖啡店(館內), 水果, 酒/香檳, 另外收費, 兒童餐, 另外收費, 特殊飲食菜單(隨需提供), 房內享用早餐, 酒吧, 迷你吧, 餐廳, 茶/咖啡沖泡設備




不需預約:住宿場所設有私人停車設施【免費】 , 代客泊車


可提供發票, 儲物櫃, 私人入住/退房手續, 禮賓服務, 行李寄存, 旅遊諮詢台, 外幣兌換, 快速入住/退房手續, 24 小時接待櫃檯


兒童戶外遊樂設施, 室內遊戲區, 桌上遊戲/拼圖, 嬰兒/兒童照護服務, 另外收費


每日清潔服務, 熨褲機, 另外收費, 熨燙服務, 另外收費, 乾洗, 另外收費, 洗衣, 另外收費


會議/宴會設施, 另外收費


滅火器, 公共區域設有監視器, 偵煙探測器, 警報器, 鑰匙進出, 24 小時警衛, 保險箱


吸菸區, 空調, 全面禁菸, 抗過敏客房, 喚醒服務, 硬木或實木地板, 磁磚/大理石地板, 盒裝午餐, 電風扇, 家庭房, 理髮/美容中心, 燙衣設備, 禁菸客房, 熨斗, 喚醒服務/鬧鐘, 客房服務

2 個游泳池

游泳池 1-室外, 免費!, 全年開放, 開放時間, 僅限成人入住, 無邊泳池, 景觀泳池, 泳池浴巾/海灘巾, 池邊酒吧, 海灘椅/躺椅, 游泳池 2-室外, 免費!, 全年開放, 開放時間, 所有年齡皆可使用, 景觀泳池, 滑水道, 泳池浴巾/海灘巾, 池邊酒吧, 海灘椅/躺椅, 遮陽傘


兒童游泳池, 健身/SPA 置物櫃, 瑜珈課, 健身, SPA 健康課程, 足浴, SPA 休息放鬆區, 蒸氣房, SPA 設施, 美容服務, 遮陽傘, 海灘椅/躺椅, 熱水按摩池, 按摩, 另外收費, SPA 及養生會館, 另外收費, 健身中心


英語, 馬來語, 中文

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